Category: Undergraduate Innovation

IrishSAT students prepping to release the inflated balloon

Following the sun: IrishSat launches IRIS 2.0 to collect solar data

Notre Dame’s new satellite club IrishSat launched this year's high-altitude balloon, IRIS 2.0, into the cloudless, blue sky above White Field near campus. The club, which was established last year, will use launch data to apply for membership in NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI). CSLI …

2021 Innovate-O-Thon participants

Three cheers for the 2021 ND Engineering Innovate-O-Thon!

Forty-five students from across campus came together to compete in the 2021 Notre Dame Engineering Innovate-O-Thon, an 18-hour innovation challenge sponsored by Marmon Holdings, Inc., a global industrial organization based in Chicago. Nine teams strategized, conceptualized, and presented a …

Innovate-o-thon sponsored by Marmon Holdings and the Notre Dame Engineering Innovation Hub

Ready. Set. Innovate.

Like working in a team to find solutions to real-world problems? Then sign up for the College of Engineering’s 2021 Innovate-o-Thon, sponsored by Marmon Holdings. You’ll have 18 hours to work with your team to solve the mystery engineering challenge proposed by Marmon Holdings company …

DeLive Student Co-founders Zachary Kousens ’20 and Nathaniel Hanson ’20 with a drone and aev with the Golden Dome in background

Defibrillators by drone

A class project in Computer Science and Engineering is going beyond the classroom as a prospective new student startup company. The project, called DeLive, is designed to deliver defibrillators by drone to emergencies so bystanders can save lives before rescue workers arrive. Notre Dame …