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Andrew Kennedy
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Coastal engineering, experimental techniques for nearshore waves, coastal geomorphology, remote sensing techniques in the coastal zone

Kapil Khandelwal
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Structural/Solid mechanics, computational mechanics, topology optimization, machine learning and data sciences

Yazen Khasawneh
Associate Teaching Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Computational geotechnics; soil-structure interaction; structural and soil response to dynamic loading; development of constitutive models; forensic engineering; testing through scales; instrumentation

Tracy Kijewski-Correa
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences and Keough School of Global Affairs
William J. Pulte Director (acting), Pulte Institute for Global Development
Areas of Interest
Disaster risk reduction; resilient and sustainable communities; post-disaster reconnaissance

Edward Kinzel
Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Laser material interaction, additive manufacturing, optics, infared/optical antenna/metasurfaces, micro/nanofabrication

Michael Kitz
Associate Teaching Professor
Executive Director, Summer Engineering Programs; Director, Integrated Engineering and Business Practices Program

Tanyel Kiziltepe
Associate Teaching Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Areas of Interest
Pre-clinical drug validation in cancers; nanoparticle based drug delivery; biochemical stabilization of biomolecular therapeutics

Peter Kogge
Ted H. McCourtney Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Massively parallel processing architecture, advanced VLSI technology and architectures, non van Neumann models of programming and execution, parallel algorithms and applications and their impact on computer architecture

Shreya Kumar
Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Software engineering; human-computer interaction; gerontechnology; digital literacy; recruitment of women in STEM

Yahya C. Kurama
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Concrete structures, steel-concrete hybrid and composite structures, earthquake engineering and structural dynamics