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Jason Hicks
Tony and Sarah Earley Professor of Energy and the Environment
Associate Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, College of Engineering
Areas of Interest
Heterogeneous catalysis; reaction kinetics; plasma-assisted catalysis
Davide Hill
Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Areas of Interest
Polymer physics; polymeric and low-molecular weight liquid crystals; particles dispersions in structured fluids; adhesive and cohesive failure of polymer melts

Christopher Hinkle
Bettex Collegiate Chair and Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Growth, characterization, and device physics of semiconductor materials and interfaces

Amy Hixon
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Director of Graduate Studies
Areas of Interest
Actinide (geo)chemistry, actinide materials, nuclear forensics, nuclear fuel cycle

Bertrand Hochwald
Freimann Professor, Electrical Engineering
Co-Director, Wireless Institute
Areas of Interest
Information theory, communication systems, signal processing, radio-frequency circuits, spectrum sensing, modeling

Anthony Hoffman
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Optical materials and optoelectronic devices

Maria Holland
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Mechanics of growth in soft tissues; computational modeling of brain growth and development

Scott Howard
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Biophotonics, optical biopsies, 3D chemical specific tissue imaging

Xiaobo Sharon Hu
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Low-power system design, circuit and architecture design with emerging technologies, real-time embedded systems and computational medicine

Yih-Fang Huang
Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Education and Undergraduate Programs
Areas of Interest
Statistical communications and signal processing