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Professor Peter Bui

Peter Bui

Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Systems programming, operating systems, parallel computing, cloud computing, distributed computing, programming languages, compilers, web services

David Burghoff

David Burghoff

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Quantum and Nonlinear Optics

Professor Peter Burns

Peter C. Burns

Massman Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Director, ND Energy

Areas of Interest

Environmental minerology, minerology and crystallography, mineral crystal structures and crystal chemistry, mineral structural energetics, mineral paragenesis, nuclear waste disposal

Ningyuan Cao

Ningyuan Cao

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Interplay between advanced hardware design and real-time/low-power machine learning applications

Albert Cerrone

Albert Cerrone

Research Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Lifing technologies, computational mechanics, Digital Twin, additive manufacturing, biomechanics

Hsueh-Chia Chang

Hsueh-Chia Chang

Bayer Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Liquid biopsy nanotechnologies for cancer screening and therapy management

Nitesh Chawla

Nitesh Chawla

Frank M. Freimann Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Director, Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society

Areas of Interest

Data science, artificial intelligence and analytics, ethical application of technology for the common good

Professor Danny Chen

Danny Chen

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Computational geometry and applications, biomedical imaging, automated medical treatment and diagnosis, parallel algorithms, machine learning

Professor David Chiang

David Chiang

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Natural language processing, machine learning, and digital humanities

Jonathan Chisum

Jonathan Chisum

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Millimeter-wave circuits and antennas, sensing and communications