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Professor Patrick Wensing

Patrick Wensing

Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Dynamic systems and control with focus on applications in robotics

Joannes Westerink

Joannes Westerink

Joseph and Nona Ahearn Professor in Computational Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Computational fluid dynamics, finite element methods, modeling of circulation and transport in coastal seas and oceans, tidal hydrodynamics, hurricane storm surge prediction, geophysical turbulence modeling, environmental fluid mechanics

Professor Jonathan Whitmer

Jonathan Whitmer

Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Computational simulation

Damrongsak Wirasaet

Research Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Computational fluid mechanics; Numerical modeling of the convection-diffusion and Navier-Stokes equations; Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods; Modeling of circulation and transport in coastal seas and oceans

Professor Danielle Wood

Danielle Wood

Associate Professor of the Practice

Associate Director of Research, Center for Civic Innovation

Professor Timothy Wright

Timothy Wright

Assistant Research Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Assistant Director Information Systems Security and Compliance, Center for Research Computing

Yanfang (Fanny) Ye

Yanfang (Fanny) Ye

Collegiate Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Cybersecurity, data mining, machine learning, and health intelligence

Professor Yu Qiang

Qiang Yu

Research Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Professor Nicholas Zabras

Nicholas Zabaras

Viola D. Hank Professor of Computational Science and Engineering, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Uncertainty quantification and predictive modeling; bayesian statistics; scientific computing; multiscale modeling; inverse problems; computational materials science; materials genome; computational mathematics, computational physics

Matthew Zahr

Matthew Zahr

Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Model reduction; finite element and discontinuous galerkin methods, high-order discretizations, numerical methods for handling shocks and other discontinuities, topology optimization, PDE-constrained optimization, multiphysics and multiscale problems, and uncertainty quantification