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Jennifer Schaefer

Jennifer Schaefer

Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Design, synthesis, and characterization of materials; Polymers, composites, and hybrids; Ion transport and reaction; Electrochemical energy storage devices

Professor Michael Schafer

Michael Schafer

Teaching Professor, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Electronic circuits and systems

Professor Walter Scheirer

Walter Scheirer

Dennis O. Doughty Collegiate Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Computer vision, machine learning, biometrics, digital humanities

Professor James Schmiedeler

James Schmiedeler

Professor and Associate Department Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Robotics, human biomechanics, legged locomotion

William Schneider

William Schneider

Dorini Family Chair in Energy Studies

Chair, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Heterogeneous catalysis; Computational catalysis; Materials discovery; Microkinetic modeling

Alan Seabaugh

Alan Seabaugh

Frank M. Freimann Professor, Electrical Engineering

Director, Notre Dame Nanoscience and Technology (NDnano); Chair, Interdisciplinary Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program (NDMSE)

Areas of Interest

Steep transistors, ferroelectric memory, circuits, heterogeneous integration

Mike Seelinger

Michael J. Seelinger

Dunn Family Teaching Professor of Engineering

Areas of Interest

Engineering education, robotics, mechanics, mechanical engineering design, mechanical systems, vision guided robotics

Professor Senapati Satajyoti

Satyajyoti Senapati

Research Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Biosensing and biomarkers

Yiyu Shi

Yiyu Shi

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Software/hardware co-design for deep learning acceleration; emerging computing platforms; AI for health care

Joshua Shrout

Joshua Shrout

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Bacterial biofilms, environmental engineering, socio-microbiology of bacteria in engineered systems and public health, genetics and physiology of bacterial communities, bacterial surface mobility, bioremediation