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R. Mark Rennie
Research Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Aero-optics, fluid dynamics, flow control, wind-tunnel modeling, design and testing

David Richter
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
Areas of Interest
Fluid mechanics, multiphase environmental flows, turbulence in the atmosphere and ocean, particle-laden turbulence, computational fluid dynamics

Ryan K. Roeder
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Biomaterials, biomechanics, material science, mechanical behavior, photon-counting spectral computed tomography, nanoparticles, scaffolds

Matthew Rosenberger
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Nanoscience; atomic force microscopy; two-dimensional materials; nanomaterials for sensing, electronics, and energy applications

Paul Rumbach
Associate Teaching Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Michael Ryan
Associate Dean for Advising and Academic Affairs

Hirotaka Sakaue
Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Pressure and temperature-sensitive paint techniques, luminescent imaging methods, chemical coatings for anti- and de-icing applications, chemical flow control, experimental fluid dynamics, unsteady aerodynamics

Joanna Cecilia da Silva Santos
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Software engineering, software security, program analysis, and source code manipulation

Chandrika Satyavolu
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Wireless and mobile networks, RFID anti-collision protocols, delay tolerant networks and software defined networks

Ken Sauer
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Tomographic imaging, multivariate detection and estimation, inverse problems