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Alexei Orlov
Research Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Experimental studies of nanostructures and nanodevices; experimental single electronics and nanomagnetics

John Ott
Associate Teaching Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Timothy Ovaert
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Tribology, high-temperature tribomaterials, nanomechanical characterization, biomaterials, biomechanics, manufacturing, mechanical component design

Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Soft robotics, bio-inspired design, swarm robotics

William Phillip
Rooney Family Collegiate Chair of Engineering
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Areas of Interest
Chemical separation processes at the water-energy nexus, membrane materials and fabrication, mass transfer, structure-property-performance relationships in membrane systems

Mark Plecnik
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Computational mechanism design, robot kinematics, homotropy-based root finding

Wolfgang Porod
Frank M. Freimann Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Solid-state devices; computational electronics, and nanoelectronics.

Joseph Powers
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Combustion, high speed fluid mechanics, thermochemistry, computational science, applied mathematics, verification and validation of computational predictions

Thomas Pratt
Research Professor, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Wireless communications (physical layer), radar, RF polarimetric remote sensing