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Marc Muller

Marc Muller

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Water resources, climate change, cooperation and conflict, stochastic hydrology, remote sensing, econometrics, game theory

Professor Nosang Myung

Nosang Myung

Bernard Keating-Crawford Professor of Engineering

Areas of Interest

Chemical and biological sensors, electrochemical engineering, environmental remediation and monitoring, electrocatalyst, electrodeposition

Professor Prakash Nallathamby

Prakash D. Nallathamby

Research Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Modular nanotechnology, nanotoxicology, targeted theranostics, biomedical imaging, nanoparticles probes

Professor Clive Neal

Clive Neal

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Origin and evolution of the Moon and igneous provinces ("supervolcanoes"); space exploration

Professor Rob Nerenburg

Robert Nerenberg

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Areas of Interest

Biofilms, especially membrane-biofilm reactors (MBfRs) and membrane biofouling

Professor Svetlana Neretina

Svetlana Neretina

Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Nanomaterials for energy applications; Nanofabrication; Plasmonic Nanomaterials; Catalysis

Professor Glen Niebur

Glen Niebur

Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Director, Bioengineering Graduate Program

Areas of Interest

Biomechanics, solid mechanics, computational mechanics

Michael Niemier

Michael Niemier

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Areas of Interest

Designing, facilitating, benchmarking, and evaluating circuits and architectures based on emerging technologies

Professor Casey O'Brien

Casey O’Brien

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Areas of Interest

Heterogeneous catalysis, operando spectoscopy, gas separation membranes, surface science

Professor Thomas O'Sullivan

Thomas O’Sullivan

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering

Areas of Interest

Design and application of semiconductor optical devices for biomedical sensing, diagnostics, and imaging (biophotonics).