Gregory Snider

Professor and Chair, Electrical Engineering
Areas of Interest
My research focuses on the design, fabrication, and measurements of micro and nanoelectronic devices. In the micro regime, my group works on CMOS circuits to study packaging issues as well as to interface CMOS to nano devices.
On the nano side, my research focuses on single-electron devices including Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) and single-electron transistors (SETs). QCA is a computational paradigm that offers ultra-low power dissipation and scalability down to molecular dimensions. SETs are the most sensitive electrometers known, and my group is investigating them for use in a variety of sensor applications. The limit for SETs has typically been the low operating temperature required, but developments in my group open the way for application in fields such as photo-detection and nanofluidics.
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1991
M.S., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1987
B.S., California State Polytechnic University, 1983