Ahsan Kareem

Robert M. Moran Professor of Engineering
Director, NatHaz Modeling Laboratory
Areas of Interest
Ahsan Kareem uses synergistic approaches, including computer models, laboratory and full-scale experiments to better understand and predict the impact of natural hazards on the constructed environment and to develop measures to enhance their performance.
Specific topics are:
- Database-enabled design, advanced analysis framework and monitoring of tall buildings, long span
bridges and wind turbines - Damping and design of “Aqua Sloshers” (liquid dampers)
- Safety and risk assessment, performance-based design and impact of climate change
- Characterization and modeling of extreme winds, e.g., hurricanes and thunderstorms
- Development of cyber-based virtual collaborative research platforms, living laboratories and crowd
sourcing the design of civil infrastructure - Wavelets, shapelets, Volterra systems, POD and DMD for data analysis and modeling
- Scientific machine learning, surrogate modeling, data analytics, digital twins
- Computational fluid dynamics