ND Engineering welcomes 21 new faculty in 2021

Collage of 21 new faculty in the College of Engineering

Notre Dame Engineering is a growing community of explorers, innovators, teachers and mentors. This year, we welcomed 21 new members of the faculty. They represent wide-ranging engineering expertise, research interests, and demonstrated enthusiasm for teaching and mentoring students.

“We are excited to welcome this talented new group of scholars and teachers to our faculty,” said Patricia J. Culligan, the Matthew H. McCloskey Dean of Engineering.

“We look forward to all of the ways they will enrich the College, Notre Dame, and the engineering community at large with new ideas, collaborations, and interactions that advance our vision of engineering a better world for all.”

Learn more about the new members of the engineering faculty hired in 2021 in the following profiles.

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Edgar Bolívar-Nieto
Assistant Professor
Wearable robots, including powered prostheses and rehabilitation exoskeletons.

Margaret Coad
Assistant Professor
Inventive robotic systems to improve human health, safety, and productivity.

Meenal Datta
Assistant Professor
Tumor microenvironment of brain cancers and how tissue mechanics affect disease progression and treatment response.

Emily Johnson
Assistant Professor
Engineering structures, including computational modeling for renewable energy, aerospace engineering, and health care.

Robert Landers
Advanced Manufacturing Collegiate Professor
Manufacturing processes and electrochemical energy systems.

Matthew Rosenberger
Assistant Professor
Atomic force microscopy; nanomechanics and strain engineering; materials engineering; chemical and biological sensing; energy-efficient electronics; and energy storage and conversion applications.

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Hanyu Ma
Assistant Research Professor
Heterogeneous catalytic materials and processes, emphasizing emerging opportunities at the intersection of energy and the environment.

Vignesh Sundaresan
Assistant Research Professor
Electrochemical and optical techniques to observe nanoparticles, molecules, enzymes, and bacteria in order to develop ultra-sensitive chemical and bio-sensors.

Yong Zhang
Assistant Research Professor
Molecular simulation methods for projects related to materials challenges in new and emerging energy storage devices.

Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences

Patrick Brewick
Assistant Professor
Data analytics, modeling, and mechanics for applications in monitoring of civil infrastructure and marine structures.

Luis Fargier-Gabaldón
Massman-Beavers Associate Professor of the Practice of Heavy Civil Engineering
Design and construction of dams, infrastructure financing, earthquake engineering, and retrofitting of structures.

Computer Science and Engineering

Diego Gómez-Zará
Assistant Professor
Human collaboration across online platforms and systems and network science to leverage user decisions.

Toby Jia-Jun Li
Assistant Professor
Design of systems for human-artificial intelligence collaborations.

Joanna Cecilia da Silva Santos
Assistant Professor
Novel automated techniques to develop secure software systems.

Yanfang (Fanny) Ye
Collegiate Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Artificial intelligence to detect new malicious software and health intelligence to combat the opioid epidemic and COVID-19 crisis.

Xiangliang Zhang
Associate Professor
Machine learning and data mining with an emphasis on recommender systems, network science, and mitigation of attacks on recommender systems.

Electrical Engineering

Ningyuan Cao
Assistant Professor
Custom analog/mixed-signal circuit, digital architecture, and micro-system design for machine learning acceleration and distributed intelligence.

Sourav Dutta
Assistant Research Professor
Emerging device architecture to enable brain-inspired computing.

Monisha Ghosh
Professor (starting January 2022).
Wireless technologies for the 5G cellular, next-generation Wi-Fi systems, IoT, coexistence, and spectrum sharing.

Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin
Assistant Professor
Robotic systems that can move across unpredictable, complex terrains as skillfully as biological organisms.

Office of the Dean of Engineering

Also this year, the College welcomed Daryl Peterson, managing director of the Engineering Innovation Hub.

— ND College of Engineering