Leo McWilliams receives Notre Dame’s 2022 Niebuhr Award for Social Justice

Prof. Leo McWilliams

Leo McWilliams, assistant dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering, has received Notre Dame’s Reinhold Niebuhr Award, an honor given annually to a faculty member or administrator whose body of academic work and life promote and exemplify social justice.

According to the University citation:

“Leo McWilliams has dedicated his life to making Notre Dame and the wider engineering education community a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive space for students and faculty alike.

“A rare ‘Quadruple Domer,’ he returned to Notre Dame after a successful career in industry to become the architect of a more inclusive undergraduate engineering program. He is an advocate for programmatic and curricular changes to address barriers to entry, retention, and degree completion.

“A co-principal investigator on a National Science Foundation STEM Talent Expansion Program grant, he is committed to leaving no one behind. His scholarship has been presented and published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, American Society for Engineering Education, and Frontiers in Education. He and his family welcome students into their home and lives on a regular basis, and his office door is always open.”

Congratulations, Prof. McWilliams! We’re proud to claim you as one of our own.

— College of Engineering